Quick, Matthew

The Silver Linings Play Book (2008)

Quin, Ann

Berg (1964)

Quintana, Pilar

The Bitch (2017 tr. 2020)


Rahman, Khurrum

The Motive (2021)

Raimo, Veronica

Lost On Me (2022 tr. 2023)

Rainsford, Sue

Follow Me to Ground (2018)

Ramaswamy, Chitra

Homelands: the History of a Friendship (2022)

Ramqvist, Karolina

The White City (2015 tr. 2017)

Reed, Kirsten

The Ice Age (2009)

Répila, Ivan

The Boy Who Stole Attila’s Horse (2013 tr. 2015)

Reynolds, Alastair

Rhodes, Dan

Rhys, Jean

Good Morning, Midnight (1939)

Richards, Jess

Cooking with Bones (2013)

Ridgway, Keith

Rivera Garza, Cristina

The Iliac Crest (2002 tr. 2017)

Robben, Jaap

Roberts, Adam

New Model Army (2010)
Saint Rebor (2014)
The Soddit (2003)
Yellow Blue Tibia (2009)

Roberts, Gareth R.

Whatever Happened to Billy Parks? (2013)

Robinson, Ray

Forgetting Zoë (2010)
Jawbone Lake (2014)

Rodoreda, Mercè

Death in Spring (1986 tr. 2009)

Roffey, Monique

The Mermaid of Black Conch (2020)

Rogers, Jane

Hitting Trees with Sticks (2012)
The Testament of Jessie Lamb (2011)

Ronan, Vanessa

The Last Days of Summer (2016)

Rooney, Paul

Dust and Other Stories (2012)

Rose-Innes, Henrietta

Animalia Paradoxa (2019)

Rosenfeld, Adèle 

Jellyfish Have No Ears (2022 tr. 2024)

Ross, Leone

The Woman Who Lived in a Restaurant‘ (2015)

Roy, Anuradha

The Earthspinner (2021)

Roy, Jacqueline

The Fat Lady Sings (2000)

Rynell, Elizabeth

To Mervas (2002 tr. 2010)


Saadawi, Ahmed

Frankenstein in Baghdad (2013 tr. 2018)

Sackville, Amy

The Still Point (2010)

Sahota, Sunjeev

Ours Are the Streets (2011)


Filboid Studge (2011)

Sales, Ian

Adrift on the Sea of Rains (2012)

Salim, Anees

The Bellboy (2022)

Salway, Sarah

Sánchez-Andrade, Cristina

The Winterlings (2014 tr. 2016)

Sangsuk, Saneh

Venom (2001 tr. 2023)

Sanusi, Abidemi

Looking for Bono (2020)

Sarrantonio, Al

Stories (ed. anthology with Neil Gaiman, 2010)

Schalansky, Judith

An Inventory of Losses (2018 tr. 2020)

Schlink, Bernhard

Summer Lies (2010 tr. 2012)

Schofield, Anakana

Schweblin, Samanta

Fever Dream (2017)

Sebald, W.G.

The Rings of Saturn (1995 tr. 1998)

Seethaler, Robert

The Tobacconist (2012 tr. 2016)
A Whole Life (2014 tr. 2015)

Segnit, Nat

Pub Walks in Underhill Country (2011)

Šehić, Faruk

Quiet Flows the Una (2011 tr. 2016)

Selvon, Sam

The Housing Lark (1956)

Serre, Anne

A Leopard-Skin Hat (2008 tr. 2023)

Shanbhag, Vivek

Ghachar Ghochar (2013 tr. 2017)

Shapiro, Dani

Inheritance (2019)

Shaw, Ali

The Man Who Rained (2012)

Shearman, Robert

Everyone’s Just So So Special (2011)
Love Songs for the Shy and Cynical (2009)

Shepherd, Lloyd

The English Monster (2012)

Shua Dusapin, Elisa

Winter in Sokcho (2016 tr. 2020)

Shukla, Nikesh

Coconut Unlimited (2010)

Sigrún Pálsdóttir

History. A Mess. (2016 tr. 2019)

Silvey, Craig

Jasper Jones (2009)

Simpson, Joe

Touching the Void (1988)

Singer, Nicky

Knight Crew (2009)

Singh, Sunny

Hotel Arcadia (2015)

Slocombe, Romain

Monsieur le Commandant (2011 tr. 2013)

Smith, Ali

Smith, Zadie

NW (2012)

Smythe, James

The Machine (2013)

Solstad, Dag

T Singer (1999 tr. 2018)

Sólveig Pálsdóttir

Harm (2020 tr. 2022)

Spark, Muriel

The Driver’s Seat (1970)
The Girls of Slender Means (1963)

Stern, Anna

all this here, now (2020 tr. 2024)

Stevenson, Robert Louis

Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (1886)

Stewart, Michael

Café Assassin (2015)
King Crow (2011)

Stockenström, Wilma

The Expedition to the Baobab Tree (1981 tr. 1983)

Storr, Will

The Hunger and the Howling of Killian Lone (2013)

Stourton, Ivo

The Happier Dead (2014)

Stross, Charles

Rule 34 (2011)

Stridsberg, Sara

The Faculty of Dreams (2006 tr. 2019)

Süskind, Patrick

Perfume (1985 tr. 1986)

Svensson, Amanda

A System So Magnificent It Is Blinding (2019 tr. 2022)


Taha, Karosh

In the Belly of the Queen (2020 tr. 2023)

Tawada, Yoko

Taylor, Kressmann

Address Unknown (1938)

Taylor, Sara

The Shore (2015)

Tearne, Roma

The White City (2017)

Tejpal, Tarun J.

The Story of My Assassins (2009)

Theroux, Marcel

Far North (2009)

Thomas, Mike

Pocket Notebook (2010)

Thompson, Sam

Communion Town (2012)

Thora Hjörleifsdóttir

Magma (2019 tr. 2021)

Tichý, Andrzej

Wretchedness (2016 tr. 2020)

Tillyer, A.C.

An A-Z of Possible Worlds (2009)

Togawa, Masako

The Lady Killer (1963 tr. 1985)

Tóibín, Colm

The Testament of Mary (2012)

Touché Gafla, Ofir

The World of the End (2004 tr. 2013)

Townsend, Sue

Review-article: ‘Thirty Years of Adrian Mole

Trevelyan, Gertrude

Appius and Virginia (1932)

Tshuma, Novuyo Rosa

House of Stone (2018)

Tutton, Chris

The Failing of Angels (2021)


Unsworth, Emma Jane

Animals (2014)

Uribe, Kirmen

Bilbao – New York – Bilbao (2009 tr. 2014)

Usher, Shaun

Letters of Note (2013)


Van Mersbergen, Jan

Tomorrow Pamplona (2007 tr. 2011)

VanderMeer, Jeff

Finch (2009)

Vann, David

Caribou Island (2011)
Legend of a Suicide (2008)

Vargas Llosa, Mario

Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter (1977 tr. 1982)

Vaught, Anna

Killing Hapless Ally (2016)
Tempest (ed. anthology with Anna Johnson, 2019)

Verhelst, Peter

The Man I Became (2013 tr. 2016)

Vermes, Timur

Look Who’s Back (2012 tr. 2014)

Vesaas, Tarjei

The Birds (1957 tr.1968)
The Ice Palace (1963 tr. 1993)

Vieira Junior, Itamar

Crooked Plow (2018 tr. 2023)

Vila-Matas, Enrique

Dublinesque (2010 tr. 2012)
Never Any End to Paris (2003 tr. 2011)

Villalobos, Juan Pablo

Down the Rabbit Hole (2010 tr. 2011)
Quesadillas (2012 tr. 2013)

Villeneuve, Angélique

Winter Flowers (2014 tr. 2021)

Viskic, Emma

Resurrection Bay (2015)

Vladislavić, Ivan

Double Negative (2010)
The Folly (1993)

Voetmann, Harald

Awake (2020 tr. 2021)

Vogt, Laura

What Concerns Us (2020 tr. 2022)

Volckmer, Katharina

The Appointment (2020)

Von Reinhold, Shola

LOTE (2020)

Vuillard, Éric

The War of the Poor (2019 tr. 2020)


Waidner, Isabel

Sterling Karat Gold (2021)

Wakling, Christopher

What I Did (2011)

Waldorf, Marek

Widow’s Dozen (2014)

Wallis Simons, Jake

Jam (2014)

Walser, Alissa

Mesmerized (2010 tr. 2012)

Ward, Katie

Girl Reading (2011)

Ware, Guy

The Peckham Experiment (2022)

Warner, Alan

Morvern Callar (1995)

Warner, Sylvia Townsend

Waters, Sarah

The Little Stranger (2009)

Watson, Mark

Eleven (2010)
Hotel Alpha (2014)

Watson, Rebecca

little scratch (2021)

Weihe, Richard

Sea of Ink (2003 tr. 2012)

Welch, Denton

In Youth Is Pleasure (1945)

Wernham, Mark

Martin Martin’s On the Other Side (2008)

Wharton, William

Birdy (1978)

White, Sophie

Where I End (2022)

Wiener, Gabriela

Undiscovered (2021 tr. 2023)

Wieringa, Tommy

The Death of Murat Idrissi (2017 tr. 2019)

Wilde, Oscar

The Picture of Dorian Gray (1891)

Wiles, Will

Plume (2019)

Williams, Conrad

One (2009)

Williams, Eley

Williams, Robert

Into the Trees (2014)

Wilson, Paul

Mouse and the Cossacks (2013)

Wood, Lucy

Diving Belles (2012)
The Sing of the Shore (2018)
Weathering (2015)

Wood, Naomi

The Godless Boys (2011)
Mrs. Hemingway (2014)

Woolf, Virginia

Mrs Dalloway (1925)
Mrs Dalloway’s Party (1973)
Orlando (1928)
The Voyage Out (1915)

Wyld, Evie

After the Fire, a Still Small Voice (2009)
All the Birds, Singing (2013)


Yan Lianke

The Explosion Chronicles (2013 tr. 2016)

Yu, Charles

How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe (2010)


Zambra, Alejandro

Ways of Going Home (2011 tr. 2013)

Zeh, Juli

Zeniter, Alice

Zhou Daxin

The Sons of Red Lake (2008 tr. 2022)

Ziervogel, Meike

The Photographer (2017)

Živanović, Jovanka

Fragile Travelers (2008 tr. 2016)

Zweig, Stefan

A Game of Chess‘ (1941 tr. 2016)