Iczkovits, Yaniv
The Slaughterman’s Daughter (2015 tr. 2020)
Ikstena, Nora
Soviet Milk (2015 tr. 2018)
Illis, Mark
Tender (2009)
Ingalls, Rachel
Mrs Caliban (1982)
Ishiguro, Kazuo
The Buried Giant (2015)
The Remains of the Day (1989)
İşigüzel, Şebnem
The Girl in the Tree (2016 tr. 2020)
Ismailov, Hamid
The Dead Lake (2011 tr. 2014)
Itoh, Project
Harmony (2008 tr. 2010)
Iyer, Lars
My Weil (2023)
Jäaskeläinen, Pasi Ilmari
The Rabbit Back Literature Society (2006 tr. 2013)
Jackson, Mick
Ten Sorry Tales (2005)
Jacobsen, Roy
The Unseen (2013 tr. 2016)
Jahn, Ryan David
Acts of Violence (2009)
Low Life (2010)
Jarawan, Pierre
The Storyteller (2016 tr. 2019)
Jensen, Liz
The Rapture (2009)
The Uninvited (2012)
Jeremiah, Emily
Blue Moments (2020)
Johnson, B.S.
Four novels: Albert Angelo (1964); Trawl (1966); House Mother Normal (1971); and Christie Malry’s Own Double-Entry (1973)
Joncour, Serge
Wild Dog (2018 tr. 2020)
Jones, Cynan
The Dig (2014)
Everything I Found on the Beach (2011)
Jones, Shane
Light Boxes (2009)
Jones, Stephen
A Book of Horrors (ed. anthology 2011)
Jonguitud, Paulette
Mildew (2010 tr. 2015)
Jónína Leósdóttir
Deceit (2021 tr. 2022)
Joseph, Manu
The Illicit Happiness of Other People (2012)
Josipovici, Gabriel
The Cemetery in Barnes (2018)
Infinity: the Story of a Moment (2012)
July, Miranda
The First Bad Man (2015)
Jung Mi-kyung
‘In the Wind‘ (2008 tr. 2013)
Juul, Pia
The Murder of Halland (2009 tr. 2012)
Kadare, Ismail
- A Dictator Calls (2022 tr. 2023)
- The Traitor’s Niche (1978 tr. 2017)
Kafka, Franz
‘The Judgment‘ (1913 tr. 2007)
‘The Men Running Past‘ (1913 tr. 2007)
‘The Passenger‘ (1913 tr. 2007)
‘The Stoker‘ (1913 tr. 2007)
‘The Sudden Walk‘ (1913 tr. 2007)
Kane, Jessica Francis
The Report (2010)
Karlinsky, Harry
The Evolution of Inanimate Objects (2012)
The Stonehenge Letters (2014)
Kashimada, Maki
Touring the Land of the Dead (2015 tr. 2021)
Kaufman, Andrew
Born Weird (2013)
The Tiny Wife (2010)
Kavenna, Joanna
Come to the Edge (2012)
Kawakami, Hiromi
- Manazuru (2006 tr. 2010)
- The Nakano Thrift Shop (2005 tr. 2017)
- Record of a Night Too Brief (1996 tr. 2017)
Kehlmann, Daniel
F (2013 tr. 2014)
Kennedy, A.L.
The Little Snake (2016)
Keun, Irmgard
The Artificial Silk Girl (1932 tr. 2002)
Kidd, Jess
Himself (2016)
Kim, Ewhan
The Black Orb (2009 tr. 2024)
Kingsnorth, Paul
Kipling, Rudyard
Brazilian Sketches (1940)
Kirino, Natsuo
The Goddess Chronicle (2008 tr. 2010)
Out (1997 tr. 2004)
Kiss-Deáki, Noémi
Mary and the Rabbit Dream (2024)
Kitamura, Katie
The Longshot (2009)
Knausgaard, Karl Ove
Boyhood Island (2010 tr. 2014)
A Death in the Family (2009 tr. 2012)
A Man in Love (2009 tr. 2013)
Koch, Herman
The Dinner (2009 tr. 2012)
Komarnyckyj, Andrew
Kono, Taeko
Toddler-Hunting and Other Stories (1960s tr. 1996)
Kpomassie, Tété-Michel
Michel the Giant: An African in Greenland (1977 tr. 1981)
Krall, Hanna
Chasing the King of Hearts (2006 tr. 2013)
Kristóf, Ágota
- The Notebook (1986 tr. 1989)
- The Proof (1988 tr. 1991)
- The Third Lie (1991 tr. 1996)
Kurkov, Andrey
- The Bickford Fuse (2009 tr. 2016)
- Jimi Hendrix Live in Lviv (2012 tr. 2023)
- The Milkman in the Night (2009 tr. 2011)
Kym, Min
Gone (2017)
Lacey, Catherine
- Nobody Is Ever Missing (2014)
- Pew (2020)
Lachlan, M.D.
Wolfsangel (2010)
Lalwani, Nikita
The Village (2012)
Lambert, Charles
- The Bone Flower (2022)
- The Children’s Home (2016)
- With a Zero at Its Heart (2014)
Lanagan, Margo
Tender Morsels (2008)
Langford, David
Earthdoom! (1987/2003, with John Grant)
Latronico, Vincenzo
Perfection (2022 tr. 2025)
Lee, Jonathan
Joy (2012)
Who Is Mr Satoshi? (2010)
Lee, Krys
‘Drifting House‘ (story)
Lelic, Simon
The Child Who (2012)
The Facility (2011)
Rupture (2010)
Lemmey, Huw
Unknown Language (2020)
Lessing, Doris
‘A Mild Attack of Locusts‘ (1955)
Levrero, Mario
Empty Words (1996 tr. 2019)
Levy, Deborah
Hot Milk (2016)
Lewis, Caryl
The Jeweller (2007 tr. 2019)
Martha, Jack & Shanco (2004 tr. 2007)
Lewis, D.F.
Cern Zoo (ed. anthology, 2009)
Null Immortalis (ed. anthology, 2010)
Lewis, Gwyneth
The Meat Tree (2010)
Lewis, Herbert Clyde
Gentleman Overboard (1937)
Lewis, Jeffrey
- Land of Cockaigne (2021)
- Leonard Cohen: a Novel (2024)
Leyshon, Nell
The Colour of Milk (2012)
Lindqvist, John Ajvide
I Am Behind You (2014 tr. 2016)
Lipska, Anya
Where the Devil Can’t Go (2011/3)
Litt, Toby
Ghost Story (2004)
Logan, Kirsty
The Rental Heart and Other Fairytales (2014)
Lord, Karen
Redemption in Indigo (2010)
Luiselli, Valeria
Faces in the Crowd (2011 tr. 2014)
Mabanckou, Alain
Black Moses (2015 tr. 2017)
Macauley, Wayne
The Cook (2011)
Mackie, Emily
And This Is True (2010)
MacLeod, Alison
Fifteen Modern Tales of Attraction (2007)
MacLeod, Ian R.
Song of Time (2008)
MacLeod, Ken
Intrusion (2012)
Maitland, Sara
Moss Witch and Other Stories (2013)
Makholwa, Angela
The Blessed Girl (2017)
Makine, Andreï
Brief Loves That Live Forever (2011 tr. 2013)
Malouf, David
Ransom (2009)
Manandhar, Sulochana
Night (tr. 2019)
Manyika, Sarah Ladipo
Like a Mule Bringing Ice Cream to the Sun (2016)
Marek, Adam
The Stone Thrower (2012)
Marías, Javier
The Infatuations (2012)
Marić, Senka
Body Kintsugi (2018 tr. 2022)
Mars-Jones, Adam
Batlava Lake (2021)
Martinez, Carole
The Castle of Whispers (2011 tr. 2014)
Matalon, Ronit
And the Bride Closed the Door (2016 tr. 2019)
Matar, Hisham
In the Country of Men (2006)
Mathis, Ayana
The Twelve Tribes of Hattie (2012)
Matthewson, Janina
Of Things Gone Astray (2014)
Matute, Ana María
The Island (1959 tr. 2020)
Maughan, Tim
Paintwork (2011)
Maurensig, Paolo
Game of the Gods (2019 tr. 2021)
Maurois, André
A Voyage to the Island of the Articoles (1928)
Mauvignier, Laurent
The Birthday Party (2020 tr. 2023)
Mayo, Andrea
The Carnivorous Plant (2021 tr. 2022)
McBride, Eimear
A Girl is a Half-formed Thing (2013)
The Lesser Bohemians (2016)
McCarthy, Tom
Satin Island (2015)
McCormack, Mike
- This Plague of Souls (2023)
- Solar Bones (2016)
McDonagh, Martine
I have waited, and you have come (2006/12)
McGregor, Jon
- Even the Dogs (2010)
- ‘If It Keeps On Raining‘ (story)
- Lean Fall Stand (2021)
- Reservoir 13 (2017)
- This Isn’t the Sort of Thing That Happens to Someone Like You (2012)
- ‘Wires‘ (story)
McNamara, Catherine
- Love Stories for Hectic People (2021)
- ‘Nathalie‘ (story)
McVeigh, Laura
Lenny (2022)
Medvei, Cornelius
Caroline: a Mystery (2011)
Meijer, Eva
Bird Cottage (2016 tr. 2018)
Melnikas, Jaroslavas
The Last Day (2004 tr. 2018)
Menasse, Robert
The Capital (2017 tr. 2019)
Meredith, Christopher
The Book of Idiots (2012)
Meruane, Lina
Seeing Red (2012 tr. 2016)
Mesa, Sara
- Four By Four (2012 tr. 2020)
- Un Amor (2020 tr. 2023)
Meyer, Clemens
While We Were Dreaming (2007 tr. 2023)
Miéville, China
The City & the City (2009)
Embassytown (2011)
Kraken (2010)
Looking for Jake and Other Stories (2005)
Miller, Andy
The Year of Reading Dangerously (2014)
Miller, Kei
The Cartographer Tries to Map a Way to Zion (2014)
Mills, Sam
The Quiddity of Will Self (2012)
Milward, Richard
Man-Eating Typewriter (2023)
Modiano, Patrick
The Black Notebook (2012 tr. 2016)
In the Café of Lost Youth (2007 tr. 2016)
So You Don’t Get Lost in the Neighbourhood (2014 tr. 2015)
Villa Triste (1973 tr. 2016)
Mohamed, Nadifa
Black Mamba Boy (2010)
Montero, Rosa
Tears in Rain (2011 tr. 2012)
Moore, Alison
- Death and the Seaside (2016)
- The Lighthouse (2012)
- Missing (2018)
- The Retreat (2021)
Moran, Joe
On Roads (2009)
Morgan, J.O.
Morris, Thomas
Open Up (2024)
Morrison, Ewan
Tales from the Mall (2012)
Mozley, Fiona
Elmet (2017)
Mujila, Fiston Mwanza
Tram 83 (2014 tr. 2015)
Murakami, Ryu
Audition (1997 tr. 2009)
Piercing (1994 tr. 2007)
Murata, Sayaka
- Convenience Store Woman (2016 tr. 2018)
- Earthlings (2018 tr. 2020)
- Life Ceremony (2019 tr. 2022)
Murnane, Gerald
- Invisible Yet Enduring Lilacs (2005)
- Tamarisk Row (1974)
Murray, Paul
Skippy Dies (2010)
Murugan, Perumal
- Pyre (2013 tr. 2016)
- The Story of a Goat (2016 tr. 2018)
Nash, Marc
Three Dreams in the Key of G (2018)
Nassar, Raduan
A Cup of Rage (1978 tr. 2015)
Natsume Sōseki
The Miner (1909 tr. 2015)
Nenik, Francis
Journey through a Tragicomic Century (2018 tr. 2020)
Ness, Patrick
The Knife of Never Letting Go (2008)
Nettel, Guadalupe
Still Born (2020 tr. 2022)
Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o
The Perfect NIie (2019 tr. 2020)
Ní Ghríofa, Doireann
A Ghost in the Throat (2020)
Nors, Dorthe
Karate Chop (2008 tr. 2014)
Minna Needs Rehearsal Space (2013 tr. 2015)
Wild Swims (2018 tr. 2020)
Nothomb, Amélie
Strike Your Heart (2017 tr. 2018)
Confessions of a Fallen Angel (2008)
O’Connor, Frank
The Cornet-Player Who Betrayed Ireland (2011)
Ogawa, Yoko
Hotel Iris (1996 tr. 2010)
The Housekeeper and the Professor (2003 tr. 2008)
The Memory Police (1994 tr. 2019)
Revenge (1998 tr. 2013)
Okotie, Simon
In the Absence of Absalon (2017)
Ollikainen, Aki
White Hunger (2012 tr. 2015)
Olmi, Véronique
Beside the Sea (2001 tr. 2010)
O’Neill, Ryan
The Drover’s Wives (2019)
Orsi, Guillermo
No-one Loves a Policeman (2007 tr. 2010)
Orwell, George
Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949)
Oskamp, Katja
Marzahn, Mon Amour (2019 tr. 2022)
Otsuka, Julie
The Buddha in the Attic (2011)
Ovejero, José
Inventing Love (2013 tr. 2017)
Owusu, Derek
Losing the Plot (2022)
Oyamada, Hiroko
Weasels in the Attic (2012-4 tr. 2022)
Oyeyemi, Helen
Boy, Snow, Bird (2014)
Mr Fox (2011)
Oz, Amos
Judas (2014 tr. 2016)
Parkinson, Ian
The Beginning of the End (2015)
Parks, Alan
Bloody January (2018)
Patchett, Ann
State of Wonder (2011)
Peake, Tony
North Facing (2017)
Perišić, Robert
No-Signal Area (2015 tr. 2020)
Pessl, Marisha
Special Topics in Calamity Physics (2006)
Pheby, Alex
Phillips, Mike
The Dancing Face (1997)
Pierre, DBC
Meanwhile in Dopamine City (2020)
Pimwana, Duanwad
Arid Dreams (tr. 2019)
Pine, Emilie
Notes to Self (2018)
Piñeiro, Claudia
- Elena Knows (2007 tr. 2021)
- A Little Luck (2015 tr. 2023)
Politycki, Matthias
Next World Novella (2009 tr. 2011)
Popoola, Olumide
breach (2016, with Annie Holmes)
Porter, Max
Lanny (2019)
Poschmann, Marion
The Pine Islands (2017 tr. 2019)
Power, Chris
Mothers (2018)
Powers, Richard
Generosity (2009)
Price, Angharad
The Life of Rebecca Jones (2002 tr. 2010)
Priest, Christopher
The Adjacent (2013)
The Affirmation (1981)
The Gradual (2016)
The Islanders (2011)
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