Abdel Aziz, Basma

The Queue (2013 tr. 2016)

Ābele, Inga

High Tide (2008 tr. 2013)

Abercrombie, Joe

The Heroes (2011)

Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi

Ofodile‘ (2013)

Agirre, Katixa

Mothers Don’t (2019 tr. 2022)

Aldea, Eva

Singapore (2023)

Alharthi, Jokha

Celestial Bodies (2010 tr. 2018)

Al Joundi, Darina

Allan, Nina

The Dollmaker (2019)
Flying in the Face of God‘ (2010)
The Race (2014)
The Silver Wind (collection, 2011)
The Silver Wind‘ (story, 2011)

Ampuero, María Fernanda

Cockfight (2018 tr. 2020)


Aoyama, Nanae

A Perfect Day to Be Alone (2007 tr. 2024)

Appanah, Nathacha

The Sky Above the Roof (2019 tr. 2022)

Arnold, Amy

Lori & Joe (2023)

Arriaga, Guillermo

The Untameable (2016 tr. 2021)

Arshi, Mona

Somebody Loves You (2022)

Atwood, Margaret

Oryx and Crake (2003)
The Year of the Flood (2009)

Atxaga, Bernardo

Nevada Days (2013 tr. 2017)

Ávila Laurel, Juan Tomás

By Night the Mountain Burns (2008 tr. 2014)

Azem, Ibtisam

The Book of Disappearance (2014 tr. 2019)

Azzopardi, Trezza

The Tip of My Tongue (2013)


Babatunde, Rotimi

Bombay’s Republic‘ (2012)

Bacharevič, Alhierd

Alindarka’s Children (2014 tr. 2020)

Bacigalupi, Paolo

Pump Six and Other Stories (2008)

Bae Suah

Untold Night and Day (2013 tr. 2020)

Baker, Nicholson

The Mezzanine (1988)

Bakker, Roelof

Still (ed. anthology, 2012)

Ballantyne, Tony

Dream London (2013)

Balogun, Akeem

The Storm (2020)

Baltasar, Eva

Boulder (2020 tr. 2022)

Bang, Herman

The Four Devils (1890 tr. 1927)

Banks, Iain

Transition (2009)
The Wasp Factory (1984)

Barakat, Hoda

Voices of the Lost (2017 tr. 2020)

Barba, Andrés

Such Small Hands (2008 tr. 2017)

Barbal, Maria

Stone in a Landslide (1985 tr. 2010)

Barker, Susan

The Incarnations (2014)

Barnes, Adrian

Nod (2012)

Barnes, Julian

The Sense of an Ending (2011)

Barry, Kevin

Bartlett, Neil

Address Book (2021)

Basil, Priya

The Obscure Logic of the Heart (2010)

Bassett Davies, Paul

Dead Writers in Rehab (2017)

Batchan, Jaimie

Siphonophore (2021)

Bauer, Belinda

Blacklands (2010)

Baume, Sara

Seven Steeples (2022)

Baxter, Greg

The Apartment (2012)

Beaumont, Matt

e Squared (2009)

Beckett, Chris

The Holy Machine (2004)
The Turing Test (2008)

Bell, Liam

Man at Sea (2022)

Bender, Aimee

The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake (2010)

Benedictus, Leo

The Afterparty (2011)

Berry, Jedediah

The Manual of Detection (2009)

Berry, Wendell

Stand By Me (2019)

Beukes, Lauren

Zoo City (2010)

Binet, Laurent

HHhH (2009 tr. 2012)

Biss, Eula

On Immunity (2014)

Black, Robin

If I Loved You, I Would Tell You This (2010)

Blackman, Andrew

A Virtual Love (2013)

Blais, François

Document 1 (2016 tr. 2018)

Blanco Calderón, Rodrigo

Simpatía (2021 tr. 2024)

Blasim, Hassan

The Madman of Freedom Square (2009)

Bolaño, Roberto

The Skating Rink (1993 tr. 2009)

Borges, Jorge Luis

The Garden of Forking Paths‘ (1941 tr. 1958)
Pierre Menard, Author of the Quixote‘ (1939 tr. 1962)

Bourazopoulou, Ioanna

What Lot’s Wife Saw (2007 tr. 2013)

Bower, Gavin James

Dazed & Aroused (2009)
Made in Britain (2011)

Bracher, Beatriz

I Didn’t Talk (2004 tr. 2018)

Bristol Short Story Prize Anthology

Volume 3 (2010)
Volume 5 (2012)

Broderick, Damien

Not the Only Planet (ed. anthology, 1998)

Bronsky, Alina

The Hottest Dishes of the Tartar Cuisine (2010 tr. 2011)
Just Call Me Superhero (2013 tr. 2014)

Brontë, Anne

Agnes Grey (1847)

Brooke, Keith

The Accord (2009)

Brooks, Gwendolyn

Maud Martha (1953)

Brown, Natasha

Assembly (2021)

Brussolo, Serge

The Deep Sea Diver’s Syndrome (1992 tr. 2016)

Bryan, Judith

Bernard and the Cloth Monkey (1998)

Buchan, John

The Thirty-Nine Steps (1915)

Buchanan, Rowan Hisayo

Harmless Like You (2016)

Bugler, Suzanne

This Perfect World (2010)

Bullock, Emily

Human Terrain (2021)

Bullough, Tom

Addlands (2016)

Buwalda, Peter

Bonita Avenue (2010 tr. 2014)

Bykau, Vasil

Alpine Ballad (1964 tr. 2016)

Byrne, Trevor

Ghosts and Lightning (2009)


Campbell, Neil

Zero Hours (2018)

Čapek, Karel

War with the Newts (1936 tr. 1937)

Cardoso, Dulce Maria

Violeta among the Stars (2005 tr. 2021)

Carey, John

100 Poets: A Little Anthology (2021)

Carrère, Emmanuel

The Moustache (1986 tr. 1988)

Carroll, Claire

The Unreliable Nature Writer (2024)

Carse Wilson, Chris

Fray (2023)

Carter, Angela

The Merchant of Shadows‘ (1989)

Cartwright, Anthony

The Cut (2017)

Catton, Eleanor

The Luminaries (2013)
The Rehearsal (2008)

Cercas, Javier

The Blind Spot (2016 tr. 2018)

Černiauskaitė, Laura Sintija

Breathing into Marble (2006 tr. 2016)

Cheon Myeong-kwan

Whale (2004 tr. 2022)

Chi, Zijian

The Last Quarter of the Moon (2005 tr. 2013)

Chiara, Piero

The Disappearance of Signora Giulia (1970 tr. 2015)

Chung, Bora

Cursed Bunny (tr. 2021)

Clammer, James

Insignificance (2021)

Clare, Horatio

The Prince’s Pen (2011)

Clark, Samantha

The Clearing (2020)

Claudel, Philippe

Colanzi, Liliana

Our Dead World (2016 tr. 2017)

Coleman, Flynn

A Human Algorithm (2019)

Condé, Maryse

The Gospel According to the New World (2021 tr. 2023)

Connell, Rebecca

Told in Silence (2010)

Cooper, Jeremy

Brian (2023)

Cornwell, Hugh

Window on the World (2011)

Crouch, Julia

The Long Fall (2014)

Crumey, Andrew

Mr Mee (2000) and Mobius Dick (2004)

Cruz, Afonso

Kokschka’s Doll (2010 tr. 2021)

Crystal, David and Hilary

Wordsmiths & Warriors (2013)

Cubas, Cristina Fernández

Nona’s Room (2015 tr. 2017)

Curtis, Penelope

After Nora (2024)


Daas, Fatima

The Last One (2020 tr. 2022)

Dafydd, Fflur

The White Trail (2011)

Darby, Katy

The Unpierced Heart (2012)

Darbyshire, Bobbie

Love, Revenge & Buttered Scones (2010)

Darling, Tom

Summer (2012)

Dasgupta, Rana

Solo (2009)

Davies, Deborah Kay

Reasons She Goes to the Woods (2014)

De Kat, Otto

News from Berlin (2012 tr. 2014)

De Kerangal, Maylis

Mend the Living (2014 tr. 2016)

De Roberto, Federico

Agony (1897 tr. 2021)

De Vasconcelos, José Mauro

My Sweet Orange Tree (1968 tr. 2018)

Delius, Friedrich Christian

Portrait of the Mother as a Young Woman (2006 tr. 2010)

Devlin, Malcolm

You Will Grow into Them (2017)

DeWitt, Helen

Lightning Rods (2011)

Di Grado, Viola

70% Acrylic 30% Wool (2011 tr. 2012)

Dillon, Brian

Suppose a Sentence (2020)

Dinsdale, Robert

Gingerbread (2014)

Diop, David

At Night All Blood Is Black (2018 tr. 2020)

Dobrakovová, Ivana

Bellevue (2009 tr. 2019)

Dones, Elvira

Sworn Virgin (2007 tr. 2014)

Donoghue, Emma

Astray (2012)
Room (2010)

Doshi, Tishani

Fountainville (2013)

Dueñas, Maria

A Vineyard in Andalusia (2015 tr. 2017)

Dunthorne, Joe

Submarine (2008)


Echeverría, Esteban

The Slaughteryard (1871 tr. 2010)

Edelbauer, Raphaela

The Liquid Land (2019 tr. 2021)

Edric, Robert

Salvage (2010)

Egan, Jennifer

Black Box‘ (2012)
A Visit from the Goon Squad (2010)

Ekvtimishvili, Nana

The Pear Field (2015 tr. 2020)

Eliseev, Igor

One-Two (2016)

Elven, Lucie

The Weak Spot (2021)

Emar, Juan

Yesterday (1935 tr. 2021)

Enard, Mathias

Compass (2015 tr. 2017)
Tell Them of Battles, Kings and Elephants (2010 tr. 2018)
Zone (2008 tr. 2010)

Enquist, Per Olov

The Wandering Pine (2008 tr. 2015)

Enrigue, Alvaro

Sudden Death (2013 tr. 2016)

Enríquez, Mariana

The Dangers of Smoking in Bed (2009 tr. 2021)

Ernaux, Annie

The Years (2008 tr. 2017)

Erpenbeck, Jenny

Evers, Stuart

Ten Stories About Smoking (2011)


Falco, Federico

A Perfect Cemetery (2016 tr. 2021)

Fernández Mallo, Agustín

Ferrante, Elena

The Story of a New Name (2012 tr. 2013)

Ferrell, Sean

Numb (2010)

Ferris, Joshua

The Unnamed (2010)

Fletcher, Tom

The Leaping (2010)
The Safe Children‘ (2009)

Flood, Helene

The Therapist (2019 tr. 2021)

Foenkinos, David

The Mystery of Henri Pick (2016 tr. 2020)

Fois, Marcello

Bloodlines (2009 tr. 2014)

Fountain, Ben

Billy Lynn’s Long Halftime Walk (2012)

Fowler, Christopher

Bryant & May on the Loose (2009)
Full Dark House (2003)

Francis, Gavin

The Bridge Between Worlds (2024)

Fricke, Lucy

Daughters (2018 tr. 2020)

Fritz, Marianne

The Weight of Things (1978 tr. 2015)

Fuks, Julián

Resistance (2015 tr. 2018)

Fuks, Ladislav

The Cremator (1967 tr. 2016)


Gabrielsen, Gøhril

Ankomst (2017 tr. 2020)

Gaiman, Neil

Stories (ed. anthology, 2010)

Galloway, Gregory

Just Thieves (2021)

Galloway, Janice

Blood (1991)
Jellyfish (2015)

Ganieva, Alisa

The Mountain and the Wall (2012 tr. 2015)

García, Margarita Robayo

Fish Soup (2012-6 tr. 2018)

Garfield, Simon

To the Letter (2013)

Garréta. Anne

Sphinx (1986 tr. 2015)


Standing Heavy (2014 tr. 2022)

Geen, Emma

The Many Selves of Katherine North (2016)

Gerhardt, Maria

Transfer Window (2017 tr. 2019)

Gerritsen, Esther

Craving (2012 tr. 2015)

Gibb, Lorna

A Ghost’s Story (2015)

Ginzburg, Natalia

Glaister, Lesley

Blasted Things (2020)
Little Egypt (2014)

Glattauer, Daniel

Love Virtually (2006 tr. 2011)

Gorodischer, Angélica

Trafalgar (1979 tr. 2013)

Gospodinov, Georgi

Time Shelter (2020 tr. 2022)

Goudreault, David

Mama’s Boy (2015 tr. 2018)

Gower, Jon

Too Cold for Snow (2012)

Grant, John

The City in These Pages (2008)
Earthdoom! (1987/2003, with David Langford)
The Lonely Hunter (2012)

Grant, Linda

We Had It So Good (2011)


Issue 117: Horror (2011)
Issue 123: Best of Young British Novelists 4 (2013)

Green, Henry

Loving (1945)

Greenland, Colin

Take Back Plenty (1990)

Greg, Wioletta

Swallowing Mercury (2014 tr. 2017)

Grémillon, Hélène

The Confidant (2010 tr. 2012)

Griffiths, Niall

The Dreams of Max & Ronnie (2010)

Griffiths, Paul

Grimwood, Ken

Replay (1986)

Grossman, David

A Horse Walks into a Bar (2014 tr. 2016)

Guðmundur Andri Thorsson

And the Wind Sees All (2011 tr. 2018)

Gunty, Tess

The Rabbit Hutch (2022)

Guerriero, Leila

A Simple Story (2013 tr. 2015)

Guo, Xiaolu

A Lover’s Discourse (2020)

UFO in Her Eyes (2009)


Hall, Catherine

The Proof of Love (2011)

Hall, Sarah

Hamid, Mohsin

How to Get Filthy Rich in Rising Asia (2013)

Han Kang

Hanff, Helene

84, Charing Cross Road (1970)

Hardaker, Caroline

Composite Creatures (2021)

Hardinge, Frances

Twilight Robbery (2011)

Harkaway, Nick

Angelmaker (2012)
The Gone-Away World (2008)

Harrison, M. John

Hawken, Sam

Tequila Sunset (2012)

Hazzard, Oli

Lorem Ipsum (2021)

Healey, Emma

Elizabeth Is Missing (2014)

Hendrix, Hanneke

The Dyslexic Hearts Club (2014 tr. 2016)

Heringer, Victor

The Love of Singular Men (2016 tr. 2023)

Henríquez, Cristina

The Book of Unknown Americans (2014)

Herrera, Yuri

Signs Preceding the End of the World (2009 tr. 2015)
A Silent Fury (2018 tr. 2020)
The Transmigration of Bodies (2013 tr. 2016)

Hermann, Ignát

Childless (tr. 1925)

Hersh, Kristin

The Future of Songwriting (2024)

Hershman, Tania

The White Road and Other Stories (2008)

Hildyard, Daisy

Hunters in the Snow (2013)

Hildyard, Rosanna 

Slaughter (2021)

Hill, Charlie

The State of Us (2023)

Hines, Barry

A Kestrel for a Knave (1968)

Hitchman, Beatrice

Petite Mort (2013)

Hjorth, Vigdis

Is Mother Dead (2020 tr. 2022)

Ho Sok Fong

Lake Like a Mirror (2014 tr. 2019)

Hoban, Russell

Turtle Diary (1975)

Hoffmann, Sandra

Paula (2017 tr. 2020)

Høeg, Tine

New Passengers (2017 tr. 2020)

Hogan, David

Hear Us Fade (2021)

Holmes, Annie

breach (2016,with Olumide Popoola)

Hope, Anna

Wake (2014)

Huch, Ricarda

The Last Summer (1910 tr. 2017)

Hudson, Kerry

Tony Hogan Bought Me an Ice Cream Float Before He Stole My Ma (2012)

Hutchinson, Dave

Europe in Autumn (2014)