Five years of And Other Stories – and your chance to win a subscription!

If you’ve read this blog for a while, or you follow me on social media, you will probably know that I’m a big fan of the publisher And Other Stories. I love that they champion adventurous writing; and I always know that I’m going to be engaged when I read one of their books. More than that: I’m now a reader who gravitates habitually towards works in translation, and AOS titles have played a key part in that evolution.

I received a letter from And Other Stories the other day, telling me that it was five years since they published their first title, Down the Rabbit Hole by Juan Pablo Villalobos (tr. Rosalind Harvey). Five years! In some ways, it seems that hardly any time at all has passed. Then again, AOS are so much a part of the landscape that it feels as though they’ve always been there.

Anyway, included with this letter were two gifts for long-time AOS subscribers like me. One was a limited-edition Down the Rabbit Hole mug (these are also available to buy here). The other was the chance to nominate someone to receive an And Other Stories gift subscription. I want to give that subscription to one of my blog readers.

The prize is a four-book subscription if you are based in the UK, or a two-book subscription if you’re outside the UK. If you’d like to enter, just leave a comment on this post. I will accept entries up to 23.59 UK time on Friday 9 December. I will then choose a winner at random; if you win, I will contact you by email and ask for your postal address, which I’ll give to And Other Stories. Your details will not be used for any other purpose.

Good luck!


  1. What a lovely idea. Count me in!

  2. What a marvellous opportunity thank you.

  3. Sounds like a brilliant prize – please throw my name in the hat!

  4. I love AOS’ books (can’t believe it’s been 5 years since ‘Down the Rabbit Hole’ either!) and this is a fab gift – thank you!

  5. Charlotte Hodkinson

    3rd December 2016 at 11:20 am

    Very happy I stumbled across your blog and not just because I’d like to win an And Other Stories subscription….. Charlotte

  6. I’ve recently discovered Villalobos. And I’ve enjoyed the AOS books I’ve read. So please count me in too!

  7. Count me in as well! And Other Stories publishes great stuff.

  8. What a great idea, David! I have a subscription for them as well and love what they publish!

  9. Have watched this fab publisher develop and never quite taken the plunge to subscribe. ..Am halfway through Anakana Schofield’s ‘Martin John’ and in awe of the boldness of writer and publisher – would love to read more!

  10. michele mccarthy

    3rd December 2016 at 2:25 pm

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  11. That’s a generous offer. Count me in. 🙂

  12. Appreciate your Xmas spririt David. Would love to win the prize. I enjoy works in translation and support the principles of AOS. Small publishers that make a big contribution.

  13. I would like to check this out! :>

  14. Sounds great, I haven’t read their collection, add me to the list!

  15. I’m up for anything which broadens my reading experience. Count me in

  16. What an amazing competition!

  17. Not entering the competition but wanted to pay tribute to fantastic publisher – not only have they introduced me to some of my favourite writers but now seem determined to publish those I liked before like Vila-Matas and Aira!

  18. Yes, please, I am increasingly reading in translation too, and doing my bit to promote it in Australia on my blog. So please count me in too.

  19. This is an amazing prize! Yes, please add me to the hat!

  20. Count me in too! Great publisher 🙂

  21. Would love to be considered. Thank you!

  22. Count me in ?

  23. What a lovely thought and gift. I’ll put myself in for the draw if I may.

    I might also get myself one of those mugs for Christmas…

  24. oh this is lovely. please!

  25. Thank you David, what a great opportunity! AOS is a fantastic publisher.

  26. I love & Other Stories. Please count me in too!

  27. Hannah Weatherill

    9th December 2016 at 4:34 pm

    I love And Other Stories too! Their commitment to publishing incredible books is very admirable. It was lovely to stumble across your blog, too, David!

  28. Wonderful gift giveaway, from a wonderful blogger. Name in hat, please. andotherstories publish good books. Big fan of Deborah Levy, Joanna Walsh, Angela Readman, Lina Woolf and about to read Anakhana Schofield. Would love to read more of theirs.

  29. I just stumbled across your blog about 10 minutes ago.
    Love AOS and thought of myself as so clever when I first discovered them years ago. Lol
    Have read about a dozen of their books and I’m a great fan of Villalobos and Yuri Herrera.
    Please do enter me for a chance to win.

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