Book giveaway: Win a set of Yoko Ogawa paperbacks

RevengeYoko Ogawa’s Revenge was one of my favourite books from this year’s Independent Foreign Fiction Prize. The UK paperback edition of Revenge is out on Thursday 3 July, when Vintage Books will also be reissuing Ogawa’s backlist – Hotel Iris, The Diving Pool, and The Housekeeper and the Professor (all books translated by Stephen Snyder). To mark the occasion, and courtesy of Vintage, I have a set of the four paperbacks to give away to one lucky reader of this blog.

To enter, leave a comment on this post at any time up to 23.59 UK time on Sunday 6 July. Only one entry per person. Sorry, but the giveaway is open to UK residents only.

After the competition has closed, I will select a winner with a random number generator, and contact them for their postal address.

You can also read my blog reviews of Hotel Iris, The Diving Pool, and Revenge.


  1. Please don’t include me in the giveaway, I just wanted to say that this was one of my favourite books of last year too!

  2. i am so intrigued by this book – heard great things about it. and while i feel sheepish asking to be entered after the above comment, i’m going to be asked to be entered. cannot resist a book.

  3. Count me in for this giveaway please! I’m starting to get into Japanese fiction. I’m in Tokyo at the moment and went to to the bookshop in the hopes of finding this but nothing available in English sadly.

  4. A fantastic giveaway, David. No need to include me in the draw as I already own three of these books, but I just wanted to mention how much I rate Ogawa.

  5. Hi David, please could you enter my name into the hat? Thanks! 🙂

  6. Exciting! I’m very curious about Ogawa’s backlist, particularly The Diving Pool.

  7. I recently added Ogawa to my completist reading list – so please put my name in the hat. Ta.

  8. Hi David,
    I loved Revenge and passed it on to one of the Year 10s – she loved it too and wrote a nice little review for our online magazine ( If I win I’ll let Yusra choose one of the books and put the others in the 6th form library.
    Sorry for possibly being a little too worthy!
    All the best, Gareth

  9. I would love these. I have not heard of Ogawa until very recently and her books sound wonderful.

  10. Hi David – please enter me in the giveaway. These sound fascinating.

  11. Would love to discover the work of Yoko Ogawa…especially interested in The housekeeper and The Professor which I have looked at before…thank you for the opportunity 🙂

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