My Eastercon schedule

This year’s Eastercon, Eightsquaredcon (so named because it’s the 64th), takes place next weekend at the Cedar Court Hotel in Bradford. I’ll be there, and taking part in three panels. I received notification of the timings today, so I’m going to share my schedule here:

Saturday 29 March, 1pm: “SFF on SF: Criticism and Awards”

What are the relationships between critical reception and award shortlists? The panel will focus primarily on this year’s lists. With Penny Hill, David Hebblethwaite, Farah Mendlesohn and Edward James (moderator).

Saturday 29 March, 7pm: “The Best Books of 2012 “

Because of the timing, there cannot be a “Not the Clarke Awards” panel this year. Instead, our panel of reviewers will recommend and discuss their personal best books from last year. Chris Hill moderates David Hebblethwaite, Francis Knight and Sandra Unerman.

Sunday 30 March, 6pm: “The Brothers Grimm”

It’s two hundred years since the Brothers Grimm first published their folk tales. What were they doing, and what was in the stories? How have those stories been reused since, and can we get at what they were like before? Tanya Brown moderates Carolina Gomez-Lagerlöf, David Hebblethwaite and Anne Sudworth.

It should be an interesting weekend; if you’re going, do let me know in the comments.


  1. Have fun at Eastercon! And give Annie love from Pam and me when you see her on the Grimms panel.

  2. “Could Be The Clarke Award”, surely!

  3. I’m going. On Saturday I am also on a panel at 1pm, and an author meet-and-greet at 7pm. I don’t think I have a conflict with your Sunday panel, will try to make it. It would be nice to meet!

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