Giveaway: The Afterparty by Leo Benedictus

The Afterparty is a playfully self-referential novel about the events of one night, during a celebrity’s birthday celebrations; it spends enough time on the right side of the line between charming and annoying to be a very good read. The publishers ran several competitions in connection with the book, including one that would see two reader reviews quoted in the jacket of the mass-market paperback edition — and, as it turns out, one of those reviews is mine.

The first I knew of this was when a parcel arrived yesterday containing five signed copies of the new edition. One of them is personally inscribed to me, so of course I’ll be keeping that; but I want to give the other four away to readers of my blog. If you’d like the chance to win one, just leave a comment on this post.

A few notes:

  • Owing to postage costs, this giveaway is UK only.
  • Closing date for entries is 11.59pm (UK time) on Wednesday 29 February. I will select four winners at random shortly after.

Good luck!



  1. Congratulations on having your review quoted in the book jacket! This sounds like an interesting read. Thanks for the competition.

  2. Well done, David and thanks for the chance to win a copy. It’s been on my radar since it first came to my notice via the blog reviews here and on Farmlanebooks.

  3. Oooh well done! This one worked its way onto my ever-growing ‘to buy’ list back when you first reviewed it, sounds interesting.

  4. Nice to see bloggers and you especially, getting some much deserved recognition. It’s about time. Congratulations!

    P.S. Please exclude me from the draw David, I just wanted to pass on my congratulations.

  5. Well done David! I am particularly keen to read this book as it was recommended to me by Chris Wakling, author of What I Did, and he has high standards.

  6. This sounds like a potentially interesting one, especially given you didn’t think you’d enjoy it and did. (You also won me over by reviewing Katie Ward in that same post!)

  7. This has been on my wishlist since Jackie at Farmlanebooks loved it so much. Well done on your review getting published!

  8. Congrats on your review being featured! Am intruiged to read now….x

  9. Looks like a great read,contracts on winning your review

  10. Many Congratulations on getting your review published -please may I be entered for the draw, as the book has been on my ‘to read’ list for some months

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